In the unlikely event you are not satisfied with your purchase, within 15 days of the despatch date, simply email us for a return reference number so we can arrange for a return. Our 15 day “no quibble money back guarantee” covers all our products. Items must be in the original packaging and in a re-saleable condition otherwise no refund can be given. Please send items back via recorded delivery for your own proof of delivery. The dispatch and return postage cost (and any gift wrapping charge) is not reimbursed. After contacting us, please return your items with order number, original invoice and packaging with your return reference number and send to following:
Attn. Returns
Suite 13
600 Commercial Road
E14 7LB
In the event, no one was available to sign for a package and our courier (Royal Mail or other) returns the items to us, the original postage cost will not be refunded. You will also need to cover any additional costs for us to resend the package.
Refunds will be made within 7 days of being agreed.
Important Notice – Items must to be returned within 15 days of the despatch date of the online order(s). This guarantee does not apply to promotions sold via 3’d parties.
Please check your goods on delivery as any breakage due to postage can only be rectified if notified to us within the first 24 hours of receipt of the delivery. We will replace damaged items